Hi Geobloggers
Today i'd like to write about the girl that stole my heart and revive it with love. My girlfriend is the most important woman in my life (with my mother jaja). She has all that i like in a woman and she knows it. For me is important share the best moments with she, because i love her and be together is greatfull. Her name is Jessica, she study geography too and she teach me when i have troubles with matter that i dont understand. She is my professor, nurse, chef, partner, friend, confidant, adviser, etc. She has all that is necessary for me, for be happy, is a important part of my life and she is the reason because im happy now, for i am smile again, i look up although are al gray. i love she, her personality, her tastes, her modals, etc.
Four years i have been with her, and i make no apology of chosing her company for a long time.
Although i search i cant found something that i dont like of her, when she dont stay with me i am very sad, is normal sometimes because she has that travel for study motives.
If she is missing me ufff... i dont knowing that do...