For me read is very important for he vocabulary and for the ideas that one can find in the world of the books.
I love read comics, when i was a child i read condorito, barrabases, superman, spiderman, etc. Novadays i read mangas, but specially the manga of Shingeki no kyojin or in english "attack on titan", is one of the best anime that i watched and for that reason i could not wait more time for the second season and i began to read the manga. The particular form of read a manga is very attractive and i like very much.
Actually the manga have 62 volume and the anime only 25 chapters. This month the number 62 was publicated but still i dont reading that. The weekend i will make a little time to read the manga!
I read too the manga of Zankyou no terror, a story of two friends that were in an orphanage that make bombs and Tokyo Ghoul a story os strange murders happening on tokyo.
Only that, sayonaraaa.

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